Chinese Style Rib-Eye and Vegetables

In this recipe, the addition of black bean sauce turns this Rib-Eye on the bone into an enticing Chinese meal, served with a side plate of broccoli and green pepper flash fried in sesame oil and soy sauce before serving for a simply delicious meal.
Steak on the Stone creates one of the simplest dinner parties menus you will ever serve and allows you to spend your evening with your guests rather than slaving over a hot stove. For this dish, simply place the 4 or 6 stones under your grill as close as you can get to the heat. If you allow around an hour before you want to serve the stones will be the perfect heat and if you’ve pre-prepped your vegetables, a very quick toss around a heated wok, a rub of oil on the stones, your steaks plonked on top and you’re ready to go.
For larger steaks, such as the Rib-Eye shown, you may prefer the larger stones of our SS002 and SS002B sets and we have lots of great offers in our package deals section. Happy sizzling!